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CyberGIS'13 AHM - Keynote: Michael F. Goodchild
Michael Goodchild - GIScience and CyberGIS
CyberGIS'14 Panel: CyberGIS Future Directions
Mike Goodchild
Connecting Grassroots to Government for Disaster Management: Michael Goodchild
3. Plenary Session I – Understanding Neighborhood Effects through Geography, Architecture
Prof. Siqi Zheng's (MIT) keynote speech at the 13th World Congress of the RSAI
Exploring the Frontiers of Geospatial Data Science in the Era of AI and CyberGIS
CyberGIS'14 Lightning Talks (morning)
Kalev Leetaru - A CyberGIS Approach to Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
Michael Batty, KTH-Harvard ABC Conference
Mei-po Kwan